What you should know about REACT

Just to ensure we are on the same page, we are talking about JavaScript!


4 min read

The React library is a great tool for building user interfaces. If you’ve been looking to improve your skills as a web developer, learning it can be one of the best investments you can make. In this article, we’ll talk about what the React library is and why recommend that you learn it.

What is the React library?

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, created and maintained by Facebook. It’s used for building reusable UI components, which makes it easier to build complex applications and helps you avoid writing the same code over and over again. The goal of React is to create quick UIs that run fast on any device or platform without sacrificing performance.

The first thing we should talk about when you think about React is how it works with HTML:

  • React allows you to create reusable components from HTML markup and JSX (a JavaScript syntax extension).
  • These reusable components are called “components” because they combine both data (your application state) as well as DOM elements into one single entity that can be reused in different parts of your app.

Why use it?

It provides a way of creating reusable UI components, which can be composed to create complex UIs in an efficient, declarative manner.

React is fast and efficient. It’s easy to learn, use, extend and test, which means you can spend more time focusing on your app’s core functionality and less time worrying about how it works behind the scenes. React also has great documentation that explains how everything works in clear terms — so if something isn’t clear after reading through their docs (which is unlikely), they have awesome support channels set up where you can ask questions and get great responses from people who know what they’re talking about!

How do I get started with React?

There are so many ways to get started with React. Here are a few of the most popular:

  • Use a starter project. This is probably the easiest way to get started with React, as you can use someone else’s code and build on top of it as you learn more about how React works.
  • Use a boilerplate. Boilerplates are pre-built projects that include all the files and folders needed for an app; they’re a good way to start building because they save time by eliminating manual setup tasks like creating directories or adding scripts. You might also find boilerplates that include frameworks or libraries like Redux or MobX (a state management library).
  • Use your own boilerplate! If you’re already comfortable with web development tools such as NodeJS, Gulp, etc., there’s no reason why you couldn’t create your own boilerplate for future projects!

Advantages and Disadvantages of React

The advantages of React are:

  • React is a great library for building user interfaces. It allows you to create reusable components that can be rendered on the fly, and it has an impressive number of useful built-in components. For example, it has components for rendering lists, forms, and tables.
  • The code written in React is very readable and understandable because it does not involve complex JavaScript syntax like closures or prototypes (this feature makes your code more maintainable). This also makes debugging much easier because there will be fewer places where bugs can hide in your application’s source code; they usually show up earlier during development when they are easier to fix before they become bigger problems later on down the road!

Disadvantages include: In order for someone who hasn’t used this technology before or knowledge about how these things work together within an application environment like NodeJS then this may seem overwhelming at first but once you get past those hurdles everything else becomes easy peasy lemon squeezy!


React is a powerful library for building user interfaces, and it’s one that you should definitely learn. I hope that this article has given you a good introduction to how React works, as well as some of its benefits and drawbacks. If you want to dive deeper into the subject, we recommend checking out the docs on their website: reactjs.org

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Resources ⚡️

Link 1: javatpoint.com/pros-and-cons-of-react Link 2: reactjs.org Link 3: tutorialspoint.com/reactjs/reactjs_overview.. Link 4: skillcrush.com/blog/what-is-react-js