Weekly achievements and future goals (CW31)

Vacation, Web Dev, Coding, Calisthenics, Consulting Gigs


3 min read

Welcome to another update of my journey. This week has been interrupted a little due to my short vacation on the lake-side. I have reviewed my learnings and also brainstormed a little but nothing more. There are 4 weeks left to my 3-week vacation in Sardinia for which I have to prepare a lot of content so I don’t have to work that much during my vacations. I have already started to create more content that I can use during those 3 weeks. For most people, the biggest challenge might be to get back to work after a vacation. For me, however, it is simply to switch off my brain. This is actually something I want to work on in Sardinia.


This week I have not coded but watched a lot of videos of the Bootcamp. Reviewed stuff but also watched videos of new topics.

Monday(1hr) β€” Reviewed HTML forms

Tuesday(1hr) β€” Reviewed inline, internal, external CSS

Wednesday(1hr) β€” CSS selectors, Classes vs. Ids, favicons

Thursday(1hr) β€” HTML Divs, box model of web dev, static/relative/absolute positioning,

Friday(3hrs) β€” CSS font styling and adding content to our website


Blockchain learnings have been paused for this vacation week.

What are my plans for the following weeks?

I think I will dive deeper into the Cardano project and write a small introduction. Furthermore, I will introduce more topics of the Ethereum ecosystem.


Monday and Tuesday I did my workouts as usual but a little longer since I have been on the lake from Wednesday to Friday. I am currently really happy with the workout plan!

What are my plans for the following weeks?

Work further on the basics and on my strength.

Social Media Growth

The growth on Medium is quite good. I am happy with that. On other platforms, it is going slow as in the previous week. Feels like stagnating. However, I will keep going. No way of giving up!

What are my plans for the following weeks?

Just keep going and being consistent.

Mindset & Habit building

This was paused during vacation. Just wanted to give my brain a little freedom during a vacation to do whatever comes to my mind without sticking to a time schedule.

Weekly Achievements

This week I recognized that I am struggling to really switch off. Such realizations are also achievements. Now I am ready to work on that and prepare properly for my long vacation in September. Furthermore, I received another consulting gig! The personal branding thing slowly starts showing its power. Quite happy about that!

Wish you a good start to the week! πŸ”₯

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